Become a Better Horseman Tips: Continued


Continued from our July issue…

By Krista Wade

It is easy to keep our eyes up when we are
chasing the steer, but we need to make sure to
keep our eyes up in the dry work as well. We
are the driver of the bus. If the driver of the bus
looks down, the bus crashes. Our eyes control
our body language and our body language
controls the horse. For example, when loping a
horse in a circle, I always have my eyes a quarter
of a circle ahead of where I’m going. Through
my eyes and body, this shows my horse where
we are going and not where we have been. When
loping towards a fence, about seven strides
before the fence, turn your head and look the
direction you want the horse to go. This will be
a direct cue to the horse and help control any
confusion, because they will feel secure in that
you know where you are going. By practicing
this way it will make you get into the habit
of thinking ahead of the run/exercise. Be a
“defensive rider” and always be looking ahead.
This will give you a major edge in your cues and
getting from point (A) to point (B).

Even if we don’t think the little things that bug us
about our horses affect our run, they do. Things
like horses pulling back when tied, not standing
still while saddling, dragging on the halter when
trying to lead, not loading in a trailer… All of
these little things that our horses do that seem
insignificant to the actual “performance job”
can make a lasting impact. All problems we
have with our horses are nothing more than a
symptom of a cause. The cause usually is either
lack of respect, lack of knowledge or fear. If we don’t
get picky about making sure these causes are
taken care of, the small problem can turn into a big
one. A horse that drags on the halter becomes a horse
that pulls on our hands and doesn’t steer or drive
where we need them to go. A horse that doesn’t load
in a trailer becomes a horse that pulls back when tied
becomes a horse that rears who then can become
an un-rideable horse. All of the problems that make
us sell a horse started from something small and
seemingly insignificant. Don’t let those little habits
become big issues that affect you under saddle. All
problems under saddle started with a problem on the
ground, fix it on the ground first so you don’t have
any problems under saddle.

Don’t be afraid to go ride outside in the pasture, swim
in ponds, go up and down ditches, mix it up. Horses,
just like people, can’t stay in the same arena going in
the same circles, backing in the same box, day in and
day out. They need a variety to keep them mentally
engaged and fresh. Take them away from the job and
give them a variety. I promise it will leave you and
your horse with a fresh and focused mind. While you
are outside you can work on all the same mechanics
you do in the pen. Going through the brush, side
passing to open the gate and tracking cattle in the
pasture are all great ideas. Change of scenery will
freshen the mind and keep it interesting for you and
your horse

No matter what it is; backing in the box, staying
positioned on the steer, standing tied, saddling,
bathing, softening, clipping, find a way to make what
you want them to do the most comfortable part of their day.
If you can keep that mentality when
approaching anything you want to teach your
horse, you will get your horse to grow leaps
and bounds in that maneuver. For example, My
horse won’t stand quiet in the box, he jumps
around, rears up, tosses his head, etc. All that is
telling me is he doesn’t want to be in the box. So,
I will go and work him outside of the box with
lots of quick changes of directions, bending and
rollbacks to make him work. Then immediately
go back in the box and put him on a loose rein
and let him rest. Show him being in the box and
standing quiet is the best place to be.

People always wonder how to get their horse
quiet in the box and not get so anxious. Most of
the time the reason my horse is being reactive is
because my body language is telling him to be
that way. A horse will directly feed off of your
body language. If you are tense and nervous
your horse is going to be tense and nervous.
As soon as you start to relax, your horse will
as well. Soften your shoulders, soften your
hands, and relax your legs and seat. If you act
like something is wrong, then you will have a
horse that is busting at the seams. Take a deep
breath and slow yourself down mentally. This
will help your horse take the event in strides and
not get overwhelmed. Body language is key in everything you do with your horse.

For more information on our Horsemanship clinics where you can learn actual exercises to help you achieve these goals, visit us at or call us at 1-800-GO-ROPIN.

January 23, 2015 |

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