Freedom, Our World, and The High Price


As I get older, my perspectives on life grow. I am only twenty five, so I am not claiming to know much. My point is that as I grow and gain maturity, I begin to learn about and gain more perspectives on the life that we live.

As of now, we live in the greatest country in the world, The Unites States of America. I am proud to be an American! I was thinking about my wounded warrior friends this past weekend as I celebrated Memorial Day with my family and friends at the lake for a couple days. Those men have offered their lives for my freedom. They were willing to pay the ultimate price for our country! Thankfully, these friends of mine that I am speaking about were able to press through that and not have to pay the ultimate sacrifice that freedom requires sometimes, but there are plenty that have. These men have lost limbs, sacrificed their family’s lifestyles, and put their freedoms and rights aside for a time so that WE can LIVE our lives the way that WE WANT to! WE are able to CHOOSE what WE WANT because of THEM! I am Thankful for them and their families. I am thankful for all of our military and all of their families as well.


​Sometimes I think about our country and the direction we could be heading.
​ I am a conservative, Christian, young man. My views and beliefs I stand beside and I will back them up. You are free to believe and think however you want. That is one of the beauties about the freedom that America has to offer. What I want to challenge you to do, now, is to go educate yourself and inform yourself about our world we live in. Go study the world and gain new perspectives on life. Watch the news, read about politics and understand what other countries are going through. Pay attention to what is going on in our own culture and government and also learn about what other countries are going through. When you understand what is happening in our country and then look and see what is going in other countries, you will learn so much as to what freedom really is and your perspectives of our lives will change. You will learn to not take it for granted. You will learn that we are BLESSED that we don’t have to endure a dictatorship. You’ll see that it is a GIFT to vote for our leaders that has been given to us by men and women that have sacrificed their lives for that right to vote we have. Every time you decide which rodeo you are going to or what your going to do that weekend for fun, remember that there are people that have never had the opportunity to ride a horse or never even had the opportunity to hang out with friends. There are people out there that worry about whether their government is going to come and arrest them or not for singing a song about being happy. We can sing whatever the heck we want and not have to worry about a thing! At least for now…


I end this blog challenging you who call yourselves Christians. If you are a Christian, you are declaring yourself a disciple of Christ. This means you are a “Christ- Follower”. In the same way I said for everybody to go learn about our world, you need to go study Christ. Go read your Bible and MEMORIZE it. I struggle with memorizing verses… its not the most fun thing to do. If you call yourself a Christian, then go study the Bible so that you have at least a basic understanding of God’s word. Maybe start by memorizing the books of the Bible. Learn how many books are in the new testament and old testament. Go read and study the basic stories in the Bible, like Noah and the flood. Then, when you know these stories, you’ll begin to learn how God works in people’s lives. This in turn will help grow your faith in and relationship with Christ so that you will be a better tool for God’s kingdom.
​DO NOT be uninformed. DO NOT be lazy and quit. PUSH YOURSELF to learn new things and inform yourself about our world so that you can make intelligent decisions about the topics you care about.

May 28, 2014 |

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